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You have options.  Let us help.

Whether you are seeking alimony or have been asked to pay it, King & Rowe Attorneys at Law has the experience and knowledge to guide you through this difficult process. Our team of skilled attorneys will work tirelessly to ensure that your best interests are protected at all times.

Contact us today 828-466-3858.

Alimony in North Carolina

Alimony is an order for payment for the support and maintenance of the  spouse or former spouse, periodically or in a lump sum, for specified or  for an indefinite term, ordered in an action for divorce, whether  absolute or from bed and board, or in an action for alimony without  divorce.  Prior to 1995, alimony was dependent upon marital misconduct;  however, following statutory amendments made in 1995, the primary  determination for alimony in the present is financial dependency.  Thus,  in order to be granted Alimony in North Carolina, the court must find  that there is both a dependent and supporting spouse within a marriage.  

The  following terms, as defined by North Carolina General Statute (NCGS)  50-16.1A  are important to know when determining whether or not you may  have a claim for Alimony:

1.  Dependent spouse:  a spouse,  whether husband or wife, who is actually substantially dependent upon  the other spouse for his or her maintenance and support or is  substantially in need of maintenance and support from the other spouse.  

2.   Marital Misconduct:  Can be all types of situations that would seek to  be inconsistent with a "normal" behavior within a marriage; however, it  is important to note that such conduct must have occurred BEFORE the  date of the parties' separation.  

3.  Supporting Spouse:  a  spouse, whether husband or wife, upon whom the other spouse is actually  substantially dependent for maintenance and support or from whom such  spouse is substantially in need of maintenance and support.  

At  King & Rowe, PLLC, we can help you determine whether or not you may  be eligible for alimony, or if you may be required to pay alimony, and  we are also happy to discuss in detail all of your options involving  this often-complicated aspect of family law.

Contact us today 828-466-3858.

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11 East A Street

Newton, NC 28658

We serve the following localities: Catawba County, Caldwell County, Burke County

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